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Hot Stone Massage

Massage Therapy

Liz Martin, LMT

Mona Preston, LMT

Body Massage

Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is accomplished by rubbing the muscles with long, gliding strokes in the direction of blood returning to the heart. It increases self-awareness, improves circulation and quality of sleep, and reduces anxiety.

Palm Massage

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage reaches deeper layers of muscles. It is used to break down knots and relieve pressure points throughout the body. This massage is beneficial for athletes and those who sit for long periods of time as well as treats chronic back pain and helps to lower high blood pressure.

Hot stone back massage

Hot Stone Massage

Hot Stone massage is often paired with Swedish massage. Stones are heated and used with oils to soothe, warm, and massage your muscles. This allows your body to relax and release tension and stress. 

Doula at Home

Prenatal Massage

Prenatal massage can be modified to target whatever is happening in the moment with your body and your journey.  It is also a moment to pause, reflect, and feel; while connecting to your baby.

Massage Therapy

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

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Head Massage

Cranial Sacral Massage

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Grounding Principles of Bodywork

The work we practice is grounded in the body's innate ability to heal itself. We find that our bodies have everything necessary to heal and grow. Sometimes one just needs guidance and a hand to hold along the journey. With the participation of our clients, we work together to find the stories and moments stuck in the body that are creating pain in the body or simply holding us back emotionally. Not every session is created equal. Every person may react differently at first depending on where they are emotionally and based on their body's ability to open up and experience. Some days hidden things come to the surface and you may experience a rush of emotions or memories. It is crucial to honor and trust what shows itself. On other days you will come in, already working with a specific issue and are emotionally more open. Sometimes this is the key to fully resolving an event and processing it in the body.

© Gables Optimal Health 2022

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